Science: where are women?

Statistics say it: girls are more successful in science than boys. And yet, very few pursue higher studies in basic science, techniques, computer science… Why, with equal skills, are they only 30% in engineering schools and barely 10% in the digital sector? Because prejudices die hard! Girls have “more difficulty to evaluate themselves positively” than boys, according to Pascal Huguet, director of research at the CNRS. An experiment shows it: when girls are tested for their ability to evaluate their drawing skills, they do better than boys. If they are given the same test but told that their geometry skills will be checked, their results are not as good. The brain does not have sex: it is only full of prejudices. It’s up to you to drive them away, because science needs your talent!

To go further

Learning French 

  • 30%, 10%.. Discover here the vocabulary of numbers (percentages, fractions, decimals) and exercises to better pronounce them

Discovering more about the subject

  • With this game, you will find be able to play with geometry and learn some vocabulary !

  • It’s not just Marie Curie’s discoveries that have changed the world! Other great women of science are to discover here


“France is also on the road to equality in the couple”, Roselyne Bachelot, former Minister of Solidarities and Social Cohesion.

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