You want to open a restaurant, a business or you want to create your micro-business ? Your head is full of ideas but you don’t know if they are feasible ? Do you wonder if your tenacity is enough to undertake ?
No need to panic! There are many types of support available for starting a business. Here are a few possibilities :
Advice, official guides online, free of charge
Why not test yourself first ? Do you have the right profile of an entrepreneur, a sufficient determination ? With these 3 tests you will know ! Then, from “business model” to market studies, let the CCI’s online Business Plan Generator guide you so that you don’t forget any of the steps involved in creating your business.
What are the CCIs and CMAs ?
The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the Chambers of Trade and Crafts (CMA) are public establishments of the State. The priority missions of the Chambers are business support actions. They are essential institutions for business creators. Get in touch with the ones next to you, each one offers different services:
The CCIs offer videos, testimonials from entrepreneurs, and advice. Registration to the online platform is free; it is rich in advice. You will also find proposals for paid support, such as 5-day training sessions (525 euros).
There is a lot of advice on the CMA website and in the guidebook of the creator. You may also find financial aid by consulting the business aid portal, or even offers of business takeovers.
Pôle Emploi, a key resource for business creators:
Pole Emploi assists people, job seekers or not, who want to start their own business. You can benefit from workshops or advice.
The program “inclusion through self-employment” may be for you: it is a free support offer. It is aimed at people who have difficulty accessing a job and who have a project to create a business or take over a business. Find here the organizations to contact in order to benefit from a support
The assistance for the creation or the resumption of a company can be financial, under certain conditions. There are various schemes, such as the ARCE.
To go further :
The website of Bpifrance, public investment bank, helps you to find public, semi-public or non-profit organizations near you, to guide you in your steps, or to offer you training.
Are you a foreigner? You will find in this website, my compagny in France, all the information you need to create your company in France and here a reminder of the necessary conditions.
Video :
Foreign or not, doing internships during your studies allows you to build a network.