What jobs for women in France?
Today, women are more and more present in the working world. 70% of them have a job, or are looking for one. This rate is close to that of men, 76%. But equality in the workplace is still far from being achieved.
Women are in the majority in low-paid jobs. They also work part-time, three times more than men. This undoubtedly explains the salary inequalities: men earn 22% more than women.

In France, women are more highly educated than men. But they represent only 43% of management and professional jobs. They are under-represented in management positions.
The employment situation of women in Europe is no better than in France. In the EU, only one woman in three holds a management position. In Latvia, women are more fortunate: 56% of them have responsibilities.

Inequalities are the result of sexist prejudices. They maintain the idea that women are less able to lead or are “naturally” more talented than men in caring tasks.
Only 17% of jobs in France are occupied by as many men as women.
For immigrant women, the situation is gradually changing. Their immigration is no longer solely linked to family reunification, but to studies and employment. Today, nearly 60% of them are employed, compared to 70% of non-immigrant women. The five occupations in which they are most frequently represented are home help, care assistants, maternal assistants and sales assistants. They work five times more often in the cleaning sector than non-immigrant women.
To go further
Women and Men: a slow decline in inequalities, an INSEE file.
On the employment of immigrant women in “le métiers des immigrés” a DARES file.
Video :
The primary function of work is to provide an income, but it is also a factor of integration and emancipation, especially for foreign women. Find all our videos about work in France in our playlist.