“Avoir du pain sur la planche” (literally “to have bread on the cutting board”), is an expression that Djibril Bodian knows very well. This French baker of Senegalese origin has won twice (in 2010 and 2015) the award of Paris’ best baguette. His bread was served at the presidential table. Djibril learnt the job with his father and he now has his own shop. Flour, yeast, salt, water and lots of passion are the ingredients he mixes every day to offer the best bread. For Djibril, “the perfect baguette must be crisp and soft inside”. And you, how do you like your bread?
To go further
Learning French
- “Un croissant”, “une baguette”, “un pain au chocolat”… Find here the vocabulary of French specialties that you can find in bakeries.
- « Avoir du pain sur la planche », « En faire de tout en fromage », « Soupe au lait »… are French expressions related to food. Find others in this quiz and have fun discovering their meanings!
Discovering more about the subject
- Djibril Bodian followed the steps of his father, who arrived in France in 1976 from Senegal to practice his profession. Discover his portrait and his “passion for bread in heritage” in this video.
Discover the expression “Avoir du pain sur la planche” among many others. Funny pictures will explain them to you …