Why not a Pacs?

In France, if you love someone, you can formally commit to this person without getting married. When Pierre and Cécile realized that they were made for each other, that their relationship would last for a longtime and that they would have children together, Pierre discussed marriage with Cécile. But she said no! To her, marriage meant too much pressure and not enough advantages. She had never been dreaming of white dresses and church ceremonies. But Cécile said “yes” to her lover, to formalize their relationship to their families and to the society, but also to organize a material solidarity between Pierre and her. She was also willing to get the same fiscal and social advantages than married couples without having to tie the knot. For all these reasons, Cécile said “yes” enthusiastically to Pierre when he offered her to sign a Pacte civil de solidarité. After signing the Pacs at the city hall, it was time for champagne, music and dance. “This shows” said Cécile “that you can paint the town red without getting married!” and then, when she received plane tickets to the Mauritius Island as a Pacs gift, she added: “you can also go to honey moon without getting hitched!”.

To go further

Learning French

  • Passer la bague au doigt“, “la corde au cou” are French expressions which mean “getting married”. Go to this quiz for French words, expressions and sayings about love. Have fun!
  • Do you know what a “cœur d’artichaut” is? Have you heard of the “coup de foudre”? Answers here and there with these funny videos.

Discovering more about the subject

  • If you want to know more about the preparation of a wedding in France, read this.
  • What is the difference between a Pacs and a marriage? The SamSam guide by Ensemble en France tells you all about it.


“Pacs means equality for everyone”: Ensemble en France’s explanation by Roselyne Bachelot

For the full video and many others subtitled in 7 languages, register on Ensemble en France’s MOOC. It’s free!
